
What is EnVision 2020?

Vision of the Future Citrus Industry
EnVision 2020 was a series of three brainstorming sessions designed to arrive at a vision of the future research needs of the Florida citrus industry. The participants were growers and members of the research and extension communities. The purpose of this web site is to perpetuate the goals and resolutions of the EnVision 2020 participants. However, the EnVision 2020 sessions were held prior to the hurricanes of 2004 and 2005 and other more recent events in the industry related to canker and greening diseases. Therefore, while the context of the EnVision sessions has changed along with industry perspectives, we believe the basic vision of EnVision 2020 remains valid.

Citrus Grower Issues
Florida citrus growers are facing unprecedented challenges uncertain prices, global competition, citrus canker and citrus greening disease. We believe the future of the industry depends on a strategic long-term research program.

Executive Summary (pdf)
Resolutions (pdf)
Flash Presentation (Flash)
Brainstorm Workbook (pdf)

Executive Summary
Flash Presentation
Brainstorm Workbook

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