
Your voice is powerful. Stay informed on important issues affecting the citrus industry. Contact your legislators to let them know where you stand. We've designed this section of the web site to help you do both. You'll find helpful tips for effective communication with your elected officials. We've also included information about and links to the National Council of Farm Cooperatives Grass Roots Action web site. And we encourage you to check back here often for posted updates of issues of interest to Sunkist, to citrus, to agriculture and to you.

National Council of Farm Cooperatives

If you need to email your legislator right away you can do so through the National Council of Farm Cooperatives Web site.
You can visit them by clicking here.

Visit and bookmark this valuable grassroots action web site. It includes several useful features and links.

  • Zip-code driven links to your elected officials.
  • Zip-code driven links to local papers, TV and radio stations.
  • Current legislation alerts and updates including key votes by roll call.
  • Tips for communicating with legislators.
  • General information about the legislative process.

Remember to check back at this page often for current information about issues and legislation affecting the citrus industry.

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