Immigration Policy

Dear FCIGN Member,

At this very moment, our congressional representatives are considering passing legislation that will be devastating to the Florida citrus industry. The House of Representatives is expected to pass an immigration reform package very soon. However, instead of a comprehensive immigration reform bill that commands broad bipartisan support and would provide a long-term solution to our nation's immigration problems (such as AgJOBS), the House is planning to pass a series of interior and border
enforcement measures along with employer sanctions. In short, the House is sidestepping the critical provisions such as earned legalization and a guest worker program that would assure growers' access to a legal workforce. The House is expected to vote on enforcement only and punt this life-or-death issue for growers to the Senate. Getting a good bill out of the Senate early next year will be hard enough and any legislation will have to be reconciled in a House-Senate conference committee where we would start with one strike against us.

Republican members of the House that have been largely responsible for the recent barrage of enforcement-only immigration bills are responding to a small but vocal minority of individuals who favor enforcement-only legislation.

We must have balanced, comprehensive immigration reform that acknowledges both the need to secure our borders and provide American businesses access to a legal workforce. What can you do? CONTACT YOUR MEMBER OF CONGRESS: Go to the Legislative Action Center on Florida Citrus Mutual's home page ( Enter your zip code, write your message, and it will automatically be delivered to your congressional representatives.

We are in for a fierce legislative battle over the next few months. Please do what you can to help your elected officials see the dangers of an enforcement-only approach and the benefits of comprehensive reform. Please pass this Action Call onto your colleagues and friends. It is your grassroots efforts that will determine whether or not we will win this battle.

What can you do?

CONTACT YOUR MEMBER OF CONGRESS: Go to the Legislative Action Center on Florida Citrus Mutual's home page ( Enter your zip code, write your message, and it will automatically be delivered to your congressional representatives.

We are in for a fierce legislative battle over the next few months. Please do what you can to help your elected officials see the dangers of an enforcement-only approach and the benefits of comprehensive reform. Please pass this Action Call onto your colleagues and friends. It is your grassroots efforts that will determine whether or not we will win this battle.

Thank you,
Andy LaVigne

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