"The best revenge is living well." - George Herbert -
"The world is too serious not too laugh at it." - Jeff Danziger -
"The important thing is not to stop questioning." - Albert Einstein
"It is sheer folly to ever grow up completely." - Me
"Criticism is improvement waiting to happen." - Me
Dictionary of the Bontragerian Lingo Following is a list of mock dictionary entries explaining my neologisms, or invented words. Each invented word (in bold) is followed by one parenthetical phrase giving the exact pronunciation of the word, another parenthetical phrase stating its etymology (how the word was formed or where it's derived from), and then the definition. The abbreviation immediately preceding the definition (after the dash) indicates the part of speech. For more information on neologisms in general, go to the Neologisms Home at Most of the words here are used to describe or name concepts that would appear often in, for example, a romance or science-fiction novel, but there are some miscellaneous words as well. The goal in coming up with these words is generally concision. Basically, I attempted to analyze a common concept that would take longer phrases to accurately describe and reduce them to single words or phrases of no more than three words each. Some, as in the case of bacciate, was created to create a distinction between two different variations of the otherwise vague denotation of a more common word. bacciate (bäch-ē-āt) [Ital. bacciare] – (v.) to kiss on the lips as only romantic partners do; to kiss in a way one would not kiss a family member or friend; to kiss in a non-platonic manner: Was it just a peck, or did she bacciate you? baccio (bäch-ē-ō) – (n.) a kiss given in such a manner bacciation (bäch-ē-āshən) – (n.) the act or process of bacciating bacciator (bäch-ē- āt- mûr) – (n.) one who bacciates bacciatory (bäch-ē- āt-ôrē) – (adj.) of, related to, having to do with, or characteristic of bacciation chica in charge (chēka ĭn chärj) [Sp. chica + Eng. in charge] - opposite of "damsel in distress"; a girl or woman who acts with inner strength, courage, and calm yet quick thought in a dangerous situation, and often leads her own rescue effort: The Disney Channel cartoon "Kim Possible" is about the adventures of a chica in charge. chronomanipulation (krŏnō-mə-nĭp′yə-lāshən) [Gr. khronos, Fr. manipulation] – (n.) the act or practice of using temponavigation to alter the course of events in history: The effects of chronomanipulation on the present one returns to can be profound, paradoxical, and unpredictable. chronomanipulate (krŏnō-mə-nĭp′yə-lāt)– (v.) to perform or practice chronomanipulation chronomanipulator (krŏnō-mə-nĭp′yə-lātûr)– (n.) one who chronomanipulates chronomanipulative (krŏnō-mə-nĭp′yə-lātĭv) – (adj.) capable of chronomanipulation; engaging in chronomanipulation; tending to chronomanipulate; characteristic of chronomanipulation déja entendu {also deja entendu} (dājä äɴ′-täɴ′-dü) [Fr. déja + Fr. entendre] – 1. (adj.) describing or involving an inexplicable sense of having heard a sound, phrase, or sentence prior to when it is actually being heard; 2. (n.) an experience that evokes such a sense: After hearing a statement so similar to what he had heard in a dream he couldn’t exactly remember, the boy experienced a deja entendu. duology (d-ŏlə-jē) [Lat. duo + (tri)logy] – (n.) a movie or book and its sequel; series of two movies or books, one being a continuation of the other's plot and/or involving the same characters as the other: Tim Allen portrayed ol’ Saint Nick in the Santa Clause duology. échappée {also échappé (masc.) or echappee} (ā-shäp-ā) [Fr. échapper] – (n.) the person commonly referred to as "the one that got away"; an often sublime and promising romantic prospect that was lost due to external circumstances and/or the hesitance of one or both potential partners; the object of a missed romantic opportunity: Lana Lang was Superman’s échappée. enamoration (ēn-ä-mûr-āshən) [Fr. enamourer] – (n.) the act or process of falling in love; the progression and development of a mere aquaintance, friendship, or casual dating relationship into a strong, healthy, and lasting romance: Enamoration is not completely without its unpleasantries, but by nature it is generally a wonderful and rewarding experience. hispanophone {also Hispanophone}– (hĭ-spănə-fōn′) [Lat. Hispania + Gr. phōnē] – 1. (adj.) Spanish-speaking; 2. (n.) speaker of Spanish: Spain, Central America, and most of South America make up the hispanophone world. neogenerational fanfiction (nēō-jĕn′ə-rāshənəl făn-fĭkshən) [Gr. neos + Fr. generation + Eng. fanfiction] – (n.) fanfiction in which the main characters are of a generation following that of the characters in canon; fanfiction involving original characters who are descendants of characters in canon: Among the best neogenerational fanfiction is "Spider-Girl," a story that explores the adventures of the daughter of Peter Parker and Mary-Jane Watson. neogenerational fiction (nēō-jĕn′ə-rāshənəl fĭkshən) [Gr. neos + Fr. generation + Fr. fiction] – (n.) fiction in which the main characters are of a generation following that of the characters in a previously written and/or published work of fiction; a work of fiction in which the main characters are descendants of the main characters in a previous work of fiction: After completing his epic fantasy, the author wrote one more sequel: a work of neogenerational fiction detailing the adolescence of his previous main characters’ oldest child. prenamorative friendship (prē-nă-mûr-ə-tĭv frĕnd-shĭp; prə-nă-m’r-ə-tĭv frĕnd-shĭp) [Lat. prae + Fr. enamourer + Eng. friendship] – (n.) a friendship between a male and a female destined to turn romantic; a male/female friendship that eventually turns romantic; a male/female friendship in which signs of a forthcoming romance can be perceived; a friendship that precedes a romantic relationship: Among some prenamorative friendships in current entertainment are Harry Potter/Hermione Granger and David "Gordo" Gordon/Lizzie McGuire. prime colation (prīm cō-lāshən) [Ital. prima colazione] – (n.) a large or elaborate breakfast; a gourmet breakfast: Three thick slices of cinnamon-seasoned French toast served with a lump of butter, bacon, sausage, and three choices of syrup is a real prime colation! prophetic irony (prə-fĕtĭk īrə-nē) [Lat. prophēta + Fr. ironie] – a statement, situation, fact, or circumstance that is ironic or coincidental when one considers known future events or situations; a statement that makes an unintended and unknown contradiction of future circumstances often known only to an external audience or single participant; a circumstance or event that bears a highly coincidental resemblance or reflection of future circumstances or events known only to an external audience or single participant; a statement with a usually unintended and hidden meaning that refers to future events or circumstances: In yet another example of blatant prophetic irony in the television show "Smallville," a teenage Clark Kent falls victim to a traditional high school prank, the "scarecrow," in which the football team forcibly strips a schoolmate down to his boxers, ties him to a stake in the middle of a cornfield, and paints a big ‘S’ on his chest. rhumic (r-mĭk) [Fr. rhume] – (adj.) of, involving, caused by, characteristic of, or otherwise having to do with the common cold or cold virus: The poor girl could barely get a word in between her rhumic sneezes. temponavigation (tĕm-pō-năv′ĭ-gāshən) [Lat. tempo + Lat. nāvigāre] – (n.) time travel; the act or practice of traveling through time: Some might say that temponavigation is the Holy Grail of theoretical physics. temponavigate (tĕm-pō-năv′ĭ-gāt)– (v.) to travel through time temponavigator (tĕm-pō-năv′ĭ-gātûr) – (n.) time traveler transcentennial (trăns′sĕn-tĕnē-əl) [Lat. trāns + Lat. centum] - literally "across centuries"; bridging two different centuries in human history; of, involving, having to do with, or characterized by the interaction of people or elements from different centuries of human history; traversing one or more centuries; traveling through the centuries: The movie "Kate and Leopold" told the story of a transcentennial romance. vampicide (văm-pĭ-sīd) [Ger. Vampir (via Fr.) + Lat. cīda] – the act or practice of slaying or otherwise destroying vampires: For years to come, the nickname "Buffy" will likely be indelibly associated with vampicide. vampicidal (văm-pĭ-sīdəl)– (adj.) capable of vampicide; engaging in vampicide; tending towards vampicide; characteristic of vampicide veneric (vĕ-nĕr-ĭc) [Lat. Veneris] - of, involving, or characteristic of romantic/sexual love as opposed to familial or friendly love; non-platonic: He loves her, but not in a veneric way. She's more like a sister to him. 05/22/2006 01:04:03 PM |
© 2005 Gregory H. Bontrager