The American Warlock series tells an epic tale of a young warlock named Darrin Rickerland, who was raised by mortals. He bears the lineage of the evil Oscuric variety of warlocks/witches, but the influence of his upbringing has wielded surprising power and given him the disposition and conscience of one of the good-willed Sorceric variety.
Darrin discovers a whole new culture that lives in a land magically contained within the Pyrenees Mountains. This land, Brujerland, is split into two countries: Sorcerland and Oscurland. In Sorcerland, good will prevails. In Oscurland, evil reigns. The only thing these two magical nations have in common is the Brujeric language.
Acceptance in Sorcerland slow in coming because of his heritage, Darrin nevertheless becomes a great warrior in a struggle to undo an old Oscuric spell barring Sorcerics from coming to the Americas, establishing an American Sorceric presence, and ultimately reuniting all of Brujerland under the Sorceric crown.
There is little on paper with regards to this epic except some character drawings and some information on the Brujeric language. Check it out!
05/22/2006 01:03:55 PM |
© 2005 Gregory H. Bontrager